Dream Team Maroc

Discover the magic of Berber culture

Experience Morocco from its fascinating side!

Dreamteam Maroc offers you unforgettable guided tours through Morocco. Discover the fascinating culture of the Berbers, hike through the breathtaking nature and be inspired by the culinary diversity of the country. Astrid and Rachid will accompany you throughout the tour and will show you the beauty of Morocco.

Discover the real Morocco – A journey full of adventure and culture

Spend ten days of adventure, fun and relaxation in one of the most beautiful countries in North Africa. Experience the impressive desert landscapes, visit historic cities like Marrakech and be enchanted by the hospitality of the locals. Our tours are perfect for those who want to experience the authentic Morocco and create unforgettable memories.

Overnight stay in Berber camp in Morocco
Berber woman processing pumpkin seeds in Morocco
Dinner together in Morocco with Dreamteam Maroc

Experience the adventure of a lifetime and book your trip to Morocco now!

Book your dream trip to Morocco with Dreamteam Maroc today and let us take you to another world. We look forward to introducing you to the land of the Berbers!

What our participants report

“I was able to experience a round trip with Astrid and Rachid in 2017/18. It was a fantastically beautiful tour with two extremely caring tour guides. The country and the people fascinated me, as did Astrid and Rachid. Anytime I would take a tour with these two again.”


Dream Team Maroc is the best travel organization, if you really want to dive deep into the Moroccan culture. They take you to places where you wouldn’t go as a normal tourist. I can recommend Dream Team Maroc to everyone who wants to see and feel the beauty of the country! 10/10


It was my first time in Morocco and I felt absolutely warm. Rachid’s competent tour guide gave me incredible insights and I came back totally enriched culturally. I can recommend the Dream Team to anyone with a clear conscience..”


Book your trip to Morocco now and discover the fascinating Berber culture, experience unforgettable adventures in the desert and enjoy the culinary diversity of the country. Let Dreamteam Maroc take you to another world and create unforgettable memories!

What are you waiting for?

Book now and experience the adventure of a lifetime!

The dream team Maroc

The faces behind Dreamteam Maroc:

Astrid and Rachid

Astrid and Rachid, owners of Dreamteam Maroc